In modern politics, there is a change in the rules for conducting a public dialogue, which is expressed in the transformation of communication channels and genres of political discourse, through which politicians communicate with a wide audience. As a result of the study (based on the material of public speeches of Russian and Czech politicians in 2012-2019), it was found that the image of a politician is formed by specific genres of political discourse, and also manifests itself in the peculiarities of the use of metalanguage comments and phraseological units.
The image of a public person involved in politics consists of a complex complex of ideas, which includes the worldview, psychological, ideological and speech characteristics of the individual, as well as the specific features of his behavior and appearance. In other words, the image of a politician is formed by the totality of judgments about him that have developed in public opinion.
The image genres of political discourse contribute to the formation and maintenance of the image of a politician among a wide audience. The tasks of the image genre are: informing the audience about the activities of a political subject from the first person, clarifying and explaining his position, demonstrating the personality of the politician from the positive side (for example, "Direct line with Vladimir Putin", "Týden s prezidentem").
The most relevant and popular image genre of political discourse is currently the personal Internet diaries of politicians in social networks - blogs, which is the direct communicative interaction of the author and the audience (for example, Andrey Babis's blog in Facebook). In the image genres of political discourse, individual speech characteristics of politicians are manifested, which also serves to form the image of a politician in the minds of the audience (for example, argotisms and slang from the field of special services in V.
Putin's speech, latinisms in M. Zeman's speech, the use of vernacular and English words in speech of A.
Babis, etc.).