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COVID-19 - nine months of experiences. Are we using rational measures to control it?

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Pandemic of COVID-19 is the most severe health threat in the last century since the Spanish flu pandemic during 1918-20. There have been reported over 40 million cases and more than 1 million deaths worldwide.

The first cases were reported from Wuhan in China at the end of 2019 and it was spreading to the rest of the world fast. COVID-19 has 5 to 10 times higher lethality than influenza and as a majority of infections is asymptomatic, the spreading of COVID-19 in non-immune population is rapid.

Diagnostics is based on the RT-PCR investigation of nasopharyngeal swabs. There is not effective specific therapy of COVID-19, remdesivir, corticosteroids and convalescent plasma are used most often.

The best measures to prevent covid-19 transmission are using masks, hand washing, hygiene of coughing, and physical distancing.