Patients in terminal stage of oncological illness are situated in variety of phases of low sadness and also have to face to massive fear. The article describes in introduction process of dying a definition of death.
Aims to terminal stage as moving to the death, which intervenes individual in whole existence. Describes approaches to fear of death, where individual approach of medical clinician to death can in extreme form be barrier in treatment of patients.
The article for better understanding of fear of death differences anxiety, fear, phobia and thanotophobia. Adverts to the fact, that fear of death is not separate fear, but is always saturated by several type sof fears.
Only very few people absolutely accept or absolutely deny own death, oft is relationship ambivalent. That is why the article concerning also question, whether or not at all people wished to know they are dying and to what degree willingness of doctor to say patient he she is dying influents patient's coping with and control of own death.
To all palliative medical team are set before not only high medical titles, but also titles to understanding of selves and own understanding of death, fear of death and its individual meaning. Thereafter every member of palliative team can better help by those experiences to the patients.