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Chosen Problems of Physical Education in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The main topic of the paper is the analysis of a state of physical education in primary and secondary education in the Czech Republic. The paper is engaged in an issue of the pupils (and their legal representatives) approach to the physical education as well as of the curricular grounding of the physical education.

The next viewpoint is an analysis of a general social and individual value of physical education with the respect to a quality of life of a certain individual. As the last but not the least thing is that the paper evaluates current attitudes to the physical education.

The main goal of the paper is to analyse some of main problems to which the physical education in the Czech primary and secondary education currently is facing (namely big increase of exemption in secondary school and motivation to attend physical education classes). Partial goals are on one hand to uncover less obvious problems connected with above-mentioned, on the other hand point out some of the causes of a current state of physical education.

The last partial goal is to offer a possibilities of a solution of the certain state. The methodological background of the paper has a qualitative character, while the main method is the content analysis when the inductive approach prevails.

A reason for using such method is its suitability for processing a new topic. Further, due to the interpretation of gained data we use also the phenomenological approach.

Except of aforementioned, we realized open interviews with Heads of schools. The author finds out that the physical education is currently facing to serious problems when some of them markedly overlaps the sphere of the physical education and their solution is not committed only to the sphere of physical education.

Among the other things, these problems may negatively influence a quality of life of the Czech population. Finally, the paper offers possibilities of solution of a current negative evolution.