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Proceedings of EGEA Annual Congress 2019: Forgotten Homeland - Realizing the Roots

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The proceedings concludes the Annual Congress of European Geography Association which took place in Loučná nad Desnou in September 2019. The main theme of the conference was forced migration and issues connected to the Jeseníky region. 1) Kritýna Zsemloviscová (Migration as an inevitable destiny) 2) Stanislaw Konieczny (Europrojects, an opportunity for local community? 3) Tomáš Pavelka (Bringing lost palces to lige with GIS) 4) Polona Zakrajšek (UAV usage for monitoring natural processes) 5) Vicotria Stoyanova (Distorbances: the end or a new beginning? 5) Rhune Van Cleemput (Tourism in peripheral areas, its development and management) 7) Daria Karsonova (The migration of the invasive species)