Specific degree of need for autonomy in the educational process is characteristic for each pupil, both in areas of achieving partial goals and expected outputs and building competencies defined in the FEP ZV as well as in the areas of formation of the pupil 's personality in the level of personal social, moral, aesthetic, formation of future professional life and others. Potential for the development and building the skills leading to interiorization of individual parts of the curriculum have all pupils in case they are provided by optimized conditions for: induction, development and maintenance of self-determined motivation, development of creativity in 4 levels: perception, imagination, communication, creation (not only in the fields of art education), enabling the complex and systematic recording of continuous and progressive aspects of the pupil's educational process through an interdisciplinary portfolio and formative assessment based on it, with an emphasis on motivational aspect enabling systematic self-evaluation in the context of working with metacognitive strategies.