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In the period 1 - 3/2020, preparations were made for the 13th annual international conference Prague - Regensburg, which was organized under the name LIVING FAITH AND THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. At both universities, organizational meetings of research teams took place, specifying the program.

A selection of participants and reservations for transport and accommodation in Prague and Regensburg was made. In connection with the worldwide SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which causes covid-19, all preparations were stopped and, after further meetings of the research teams, transferred to the online environment.

The organizer of the International Student Scientific Conference is the Department of Historical Theology and Church History of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University ThDr. Jan Blahoslav Lasek, Dr.h.c. many.

Nine participants, Ph.D. students, actively participated in the participation. studies at HTF Uk, Charles University in Bratislava, UNI Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. The following people took part in the professional cooperation: Apl.

Prof. Dr.

Thomas Kothmann (University of Regensburg, H), prof. PaedDr.

Dana Hanes, PhD. (Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica), doc. ThDr.

Kamila Veverkova, PhD. (Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University), doc. JUDr.

ThDr. Oleksandr Bilash, Ph.D. (Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University).