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Mesolithic of Northern Bohemia III. Evolution of prehistoric landscape in Bohemian Paradise: vegetation, fauna, humans

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The book builds on the previous two parts of the Mesolithic of Northern Bohemia and deals with the settlement of the sandstone landscape of the Bohemian Paradise. The focus of the work is focused on the hunting and gathering settlement of the area, especially on its Mesolithic period.

Great emphasis is placed on a combination of methods of archaeology and natural sciences. Thanks to them, we have a detailed idea of the development of the natural environment, especially the vegetation, which directly affected the life of Mesolithic man.

For the first time in Bohemia, it was possible to define a Late Mesolithic, a stage of the hunting-gathering period parallel to the newly emerging Neolithic. Attention is also paid to the development of the settlement of sandstone rock towns in the early prehistory.

The dominance of pastoralism within sparsely fertile forests has recently been proven. This way of using rock towns lasted until the Middle Ages.