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Neonatal pneumonia caused by Trichomonas vaginalis

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Neonatal pneumonia is mostly bacterial and other etiology is considered less frequently. We report a case of newborn whose neonatal pneumonia has not improved, despite the aggressive ventilation regime and empiric antibiotic therapy.

A special sample from the respiratory tract was collected for PCR examination. The test confirmed the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis.

Antibiotic therapy was extended to include met ronidatole. Targeted antibiotic therapy, which lasted for 28 days, improved the condition and the patient was discharged in a stabilized condition to home care on the 44th day of life.

We demonstrate the need to consider atypical pathogens in the case of infections that do not respond to conventional therapy. The multiplex real time PCR technique was used to detect the DNA of the pathogen.

Targeted antibiotic therapy is the result of pathogen identification.