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Structure, aim, and date of composition of Ambrose's Expositio psalmi CXVIII

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The paper revisits the question of the structure, purpose, and dating the longest of Ambrose's writings, his Commentary on Psalm 118. First, the process of composition and the structure of this writing is discussed, especially the relation between the oral and editorial stage of the writing, and the complex structure of its twenty-two books.

Second, the question of purpose is discussed: the mystagogical character of the opus is discussed and presented. Ambrose intended to bring his audience to the knowledge of the mystery of Christ present in the everyday life of Christian believers and the exegesis of the Bible.

Third, the problem of dating the Commentary is approached, using existing hypotheses and the historical-religious context of the writing. It is proposed that the Commentary on Psalm 118 was most probably composed between 387 and 390 in Milan.