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Performance studies of new optics for the time-of-flight detector of the AFP project

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present the results of performance studies of the upgraded optical part of the time-of-flight subdetector prototype for the AFP (ATLAS Forward Proton) detector obtained during the test campaign in a synchrotron test-beam facility with 5 GeV electrons at the DESY laboratory (Hamburg, Germany) in June 2019. The detection of the particle arrival time is based on generation of Cherenkov light in an L-shaped fused silica bar.

In the previous version of the ToF, all bars were made of two pieces (radiator and light guide) glued together with a dedicated glue (Epotek 305). This solution suffers from additional radiation damage of glue.

We adopted a new technique of bar production without the need of glue. The new bars have a higher optical throughput by a factor of 1.6, reduced fragility, and better geometrical precision. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.