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Bektashi order and other mystical orders among the Albanians in the Balkans

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This book deals with mystical orders among Albanian population in the Balkan region with the main focus to the Bektashi Order that has its world center in the capital city of Albania, in Tirana, since 1930. The Bektashi Order is a Shia mystical order, and its doctrine is a mixture of Islam, Christianity and local habits and religions.

This book is concurred with the history of this order and its historical development among the Albanian population within the Osman Empire during 20th and 21st century. A very important part of this book are the doctrine and habits of the Bektashi Order together with references about many world and Albanian famous Baktashis.

A special attention is paid to the contemporary personalities of the Order, and their evaluation of the today's status of the Order and its perspectives. The other part of the book is dedicated to other mystical orders that were active, and some of them still influence in a smaller way the population in the Albanian speaking regions.

The last part of the book is dedicated to the present development of the Bektashi Order in the context of the today's European and worldwide situation.