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Relation of affirmative and negative forms of adjectives and nouns from the point of view of their valency

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


When treating valency of adjectives and nouns in a valency lexicon it is necessary to decide whether their affirmative and negative form can be captured in one entry, e.g., (ne)závislý '(in)dependent' and (ne)závislost '(in)dependence'. There are two cases that would lead to creating a separate entry in the lexicon, namely a difference between the meaning of an affirmative form and the corresponding negative form, e.g., volnost 'freedom' vs. nevolnost 'indisposition', and a difference in their valency, cf.

Eng. dependent on and independent of. Focusing on valency complementations expressed by a prepositional group, we show that valency of negative forms of Czech adjectives and nouns in used corpus data is, with few exceptions, the same as valency of the corresponding affirmative forms, e.g. (ne)spokojený s čím '(un)satisfied with sth', (ne)spokojenost s čím '(dis)satisfaction with sth'.

However, it often differs as for its frequency. When capturing valency of affirmative and negative forms in one entr