The aim of the paper is to introduce the course and results of validation and adaptation of the CEQ (Course Experience Questionnaire) and to discuss its applicability in the current conditions of Czech universities. The original version of the questionnaire was created in Australia in the late 1980s and is currently one of the world's most widely used tools for assessing the quality of teaching by a student in tertiary education.
Given the current need of Czech universities to implement selfevaluation processes using valid and reliable tools, we consider the veriϐication of the psychometric properties of the questionnaire and its subsequent adaptation as one of the possible solutions. The introductory part of the text outlines the context and circumstances of the origin of the Australian original, including the theoretical concepts that became its basis.
The validation and adaptation process was carried out in two phases and combined a qualitative and quantitative approach. In the ϐirst round, a focus group with students was held in order to verify consistency between the concept of teaching quality of the current generation of students of the Faculty of Education and the questionnaire.
Subsequently, the translated questionnaire was administered to 661 students of teaching at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové. The obtained data were analyzed using the conϐirmation factor analysis method, which conϐirmed the original 5-factor questionnaire structure and satisfactory internal consistency of all scales.
The results of the analyzes are discussed and related to the ϐindings of foreign authors as well as to the context of opportunities and restrictions for use in the Czech environment. In the conclusion, the study limits are highlighted and other possible directions are indicated.