This paper presents the results of the shared tasks from the 6th workshop on Asian translation (WAT2019) including JaLEFT RIGHT ARROW En, JaLEFT RIGHT ARROW Zh scientific paper translation subtasks, JaLEFT RIGHT ARROW En, JaLEFT RIGHT ARROW Ko, JaLEFT RIGHT ARROW En patent translation subtasks, HiLEFT RIGHT ARROW En, MyLEFT RIGHT ARROW En, KmLEFT RIGHT ARROW En, TaLEFT RIGHT ARROW En mixed domain subtasks, RuLEFT RIGHT ARROW Ja news commentary translation task, and EnRIGHTWARDS ARROWHi multi-modal translation task. For the WAT2019, 25 teams participated in the shared tasks.
We also received 10 research paper submissions out of which 71 were accepted. About 400 translation results were submitted to the automatic evaluation server, and selected submissions were manually evaluated.