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Estimating POS Annotation Consistency of Different Treebanks in a Language

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We introduce a new symmetric metric (called θpos) that utilises the non-symmetric KLcpos3 metric (Rosa and Žabokrtský, 2015) to allow us to compare the annotation consistency between different annotated treebanks of a given language, when annotated under the same guidelines. We can set a threshold for this new metric so that a pair of treebanks can be considered harmonious in their annotation consistency if θpos surpasses the threshold.

For the calculation of the threshold, we estimate the effects of (i) the size variation, and (ii) the genre variation in the considered pair of treebanks. The estimations are based on data from treebanks of distinct language families, making the threshold less dependent on the properties of individual languages.

We demonstrate the utility of the proposed metric by listing the treebanks in Universal Dependencies version 2.5 (UDv2.5) (Zeman et al., 2019) data that are annotated consistently with other treebanks of the same language. However, the metric could be used to a