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Risk of novel coronavirus transmission in prehospital care and implications from clinical physiology during airway management

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Infection with the new SARS Cov-2 coronavirus is a multisystem disease. In the first week from the onset of symptoms, there is a massive replication of the virus.

In the second week, up to 40% of symptomatic patients may develop symptoms of acute respiratory distress, which usually require initiation of oxygen therapy and supportive ventilation in prehospital care. intubation and initiation of artificial lung ventilation. These procedures are aerosol-generating and increase the risk of infection transmission.

Respiratory protection should be performed in prehospital care after considering impending airway obstruction, signs of exhaustion from excessive respiratory work, persistent hypoxemia despite maximum oxygen therapy, possible impaired consciousness from hypercapnia, and distance to the nearest medical facility with the ability to provide appropriate professional care. We use prescribed protective equipment when caring for patients with or suspected of having COVID-19 infection.