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Coexistence of palmoplantar pustulosis and ichthyosis vulgaris treated by risankizumab

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We present the case of a 60-year-old female smo-ker with concomitant ichthyosis vulgaris and palmoplantarpustulosis (PPP). Ichthyosis has been present from childhoodand PPP for about 3 years.

Previous treatments with oral pso-ralen-ultraviolet A, acitretin and methotrexate have failed.Guselkumab, an anti-interleukin-23 drug, has shown promis-ing results in the treatment of PPP. We treated the patientwith the newest anti-interleukin-23 drug, risankizumab.

After16 weeks we observed a significant improvement of both PPPand ichthyosis (a, b). Successful treatment of both diseaseswith risankizumab supports the evidence that ichthyosis mayshare common pathogenetic pathways with psoriasis.