In the years 2000-2020, a total of 72 recent localities of Gentianella amarella subsp. amarella were surveyed across the Czech Republic. Specimens with traits intermediate between subsp. amarella and subsp. lingulata were found at a locality in the Polab í region.
At some other localities in the Krušné hory Mts., populations of plants fl owering six to eight weeks earlier than the typical G. *amarella (from late June to early August with the optimum in mid-July) are present. Some plants of these populations exhibit slightly different quantitative morphological traits (e.g. larger fl owers of around 20 mm in length, irregular sepals, etc.).
At fi ve localities in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest and at one locality in the Bohemian- Moravian Highlands, G. amarella subsp. amarella co-occurs with G. praecox subsp. bohemica. At fi ve of them (and also at an additional locality in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest, where G. *bohemica is missing), the hybrid G. xaustroamarella was recorded during the survey period.
Each recent locality of G. amarella is described as follows: localisation (incl. GPS coordinates) - brief description of vegetation (community, character and/or dominants) - signifi cant species - locality management, possible threats - state and survival of the Dwarf Gentian population.
At the end of locality description, the numbers of recorded fl owering/seed-bearing Dwarf Gentians for every year when a locality was visited is given. The number of plants withering before or during fl owering is specifi ed in brackets.
Suffi cient space (gaps) in the vegetation has an essential effect on the establishment and survival of Dwarf Gentian. This can be secured by management of the localities (mowing, grazing) at suitable times and by careful removal of plant litter and moss.