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Multirater validation of peripapillary hyperreflective ovoid Mass-like structures

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Peripapillary hyperreflective ovoid mass-like structures are a new retinal optical coherence tomography finding.The optic disc drusen studies consortium had made recommendations to distinguish from true optic disc drusen in 2018.While publications on have increased since then,the accuracy of the definition of and reliability of detection is unknown,in this multi-rater study,we demonstrate that the 2018 definition of resulted in a poor multi-rater kappa of 0,356.We performed a delphi consensus process to develop a cosistent and refined definition of PHOMS with clear principles around the nature of PHOMS and how they differ from normal anatomy. Fifty explanatory teaching slides, provided as supplementary material, allowed our expert group of raters to achieve a good level of agreement (kapka 0,701,50 OCT scans, 21 raters).

We recommend adopting the refined definition for PHOMS.

Klíčová slova