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Guest Editorial: INSOL International and INSOL Europe: Working together to support the next generation of insolvency researchers

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Although the Covid-19 pandemic has taken everyone by surprise, several academic papers havealready discussed the impact of this pandemic on the economy and society at large. Legislatorsall over the world have considered some of the recommendations coming from academia whenimplementing temporary and longer-term measures to mitigate the consequences arising fromthe pandemic.One of the sectors likely to be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and its repercussions ishigher education.

These impacts might manifest themselves on several levels-one beingreduced international mobility of students and researchers in the short term, another beingincreased budgetary pressure on universities and other academic institutions in the mid- to lon-ger term. Yet, academic research might be more in demand than ever, not only on the epidemi-ological side of things but in the fields of social sciences as wel