This paper investigates the word order used by Yoda, a character from the Star Wars universe
His clauses typically contain a n Object, O blique and/or non finite part of the predicate fol-lowed by the subject and the finite predicate/auxiliary/copula, e.g. Help you it will . Using thesentences in Yodish from the scripts of the Star War film s , this paper examine s three crosslinguistically common te ndencies, which can be explained by optimization of processing : thetrade off between entropy of S and O order and morphological cues, minimization of de-pendency lengths, and the tendency to place the verb in the end of a clause. For comparison,a standard ized version of Yoda’s sentences is used, as well as the Universal Dependenciescorpora. The results of quantitative analyses indicate that Yodish is less adjusted to humanprocessor’s needs than standard English and other human languages.