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The Nazi Persecution of the Bohemian Nobility. The Case of the Schwarzenberg Primogeniture

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The aim of this article is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Nazis' persecution of the Bohemian nobility during World War II. The author examines the reasons why the Gestapo confiscated the estates of the Schwarzenberg primogeniture, a topic he situates in the wider context of Nazi occupation policies.

He also pays close attention to internal discussions between the security forces and other Reich and Protectorate agencies in regard to measures taken against the Schwarzenberg family. The author presents proof of what moved Hitler to choose a radical solution: the confiscation of the entire primogeniture estate.

What was decisive was the support Hitler received from radicals in the Nazi Party, along with the fact that the Reichsprotektor, who advocated less radical measures, did not enjoy the same level of confidence from the Fuhrer.