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European Reference Network for rare adult solid cancers, statement and integration to health care systems of member states: a position paper of the ERN EURACAN

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The standard definition of 'rare cancer' is a malignant disorder with an incidence of <6 per 100 000 per year according to the Surveillance of Rare Cancers in Europe (RARECARE), with a wide variety of incidence for the different rare cancers. The rare adult solid cancers network EURACAN provides access to European HCPs with expertise in several rare malignancies through a multi-tumour integrated multinational network, centralizing knowledge and experience in clinical practice, medical research, educational programmes, and led to the establishment of transverse task forces in the 10 domains.

As suggested by the ERN board of member states in their recent report, and as previously mentioned by patient advocacy groups, it is essential to better connect the ERNs, and in particular EURACAN, to the national health care systems, considering local specificities and appropriately adapted to accommodate those specificities.