The article outlines on a limited text area the so-called norm and the difference from the given norm in the cultural-artistic environment, through the prism of pedagogical sciences. First, it defines the basic terminology, which is further worked with as a necessary tool for understanding in the publication (so we talk about what we mean here by terms: norm, pathology, personality, work and its value and surplus value, education, etc.) and presents demonstrative examples from the art-educational field, specifically from art and verbal education.
After this definition, at the end of the text there is talk of a pathological shift of personality, which can be considered even desirable in the work itself, in terms of added artistic value as an innovative aspect. The publication does not aspire to an exhaustive treatment of all thematic overlaps and issues of special pedagogy or special artistic pedagogy (and not psychopathology at all), it only offers awareness of the mentioned aspects to the actors moving in the educational field.