Preschool children pay great attention to plants. They are even more often mentioned in percentages than animals when we ask them "What is nature?" And they respond with a list of elements (Jančaříková, 2019).
We adults, especially kindergarten teachers, have a wonderful opportunity to capture and develop their interest and use it to achieve educational goals. But do we know enough plants to be the right intermediaries? In fact, there is no need to know and be able to identify a large number of plants.
After all, there are a number of programs for determining plants today, such as PlantNet. What is really important is to know a few plants really well.
And to pass on to children, in addition to their name, their experiences, experiences with them and also to show their relationship and love for them. In this post, I would like to introduce you to a crooked spice, a creeper with beautiful large flowers that resemble trumpets.