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The Global Epidemiology of RSV in Community and Hospitalized Care: Findings From 15 Countries

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BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the leading causes of acute respiratory tract infections. To optimize control strategies, a better understanding of the global epidemiology of RSV is critical.

To this end, we initiated the Global Epidemiology of RSV in Hospitalized and Community care study (GERi). METHODS: Focal points from 44 countries were approached to join GERi and share detailed RSV surveillance data.

Countries completed a questionnaire on the characteristics of their surveillance system. RESULTS: Fifteen countries provided granular surveillance data and information on their surveillance system.

A median (interquartile range) of 1641 (552-2415) RSV cases per season were reported from 2000 and 2020. The majority (55%) of RSV cases occurred in the =65 years.

Hospitalized cases were younger than those in community care. We found no age difference between RSV subtypes and no clear pattern of dominant subtypes.

CONCLUSIONS: The high number of cases in the <1-year-olds indicates a need to focus prevention efforts in this group. The minimal differences between RSV subtypes and their co-circulation implies that prevention needs to target both subtypes.

Importantly, there appears to be a lack of RSV surveillance data in the elderly.