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COVID-19 in the Czech Republic 2020: probable transmission of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the probable places of coronavirus transmission in association with the work. Methods: The work analysed data from the Information System of Infectious Diseases managed by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic in the period March-December 2020.

Results: 732,202 COVID-19 cases were officially confirmed, from them 64,587 (9%) represented work-related disease, 184,384 cases (25%) work-related contact, and 483,231 cases (66%) out-of-work contact. There were identified 13 occupations with the highest incidence of COVID-19 in the observed period (42,072 cases), in descending order nurse, paramedic, teacher, machinist, clerk, social worker, physician, worker/agency worker, craftsman, policeman, manager, food worker, and miner; 150 cases of COVID-19 were recognized as an occupational disease in 2020, from them 148 cases in the health and social care economic activity sector.

Conclusion: The available data show probable exposures to an infectious agent (without proof of specific contact with the source of the infection), of which at least one third are related to work, so different relevant anti-epidemic measures in the workplace have considerable practical importance for epidemic control.