The article evaluates a partial part of the author's analytical tool, which is focused on the most numerous animal strain - arthropods (Arthropoda). It aims to find out the influence of free time on the knowledge of pupils in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary schools and lower grammar schools in the Czech Republic, taking into account the different approach to science teaching.
The survey was attended by 1,636 respondents from the Czech Republic, namely 839 girls and 797 boys. Data collection took place at the end of the school year 2019/20.
The study compares the knowledge of 2nd grade pupils depending on the time spent in nature and depending on the time spent with a mobile phone / computer, taking into account a systematic and ecological approach. The relationship between knowledge and leisure (influence of nature / technology) shows certain differences in pupils' knowledge of arthropods within the 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary and lower grammar schools.