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Social Media as Tool for Marketing of Books and Readership

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Social media is a powerful marketing tool used by many commercial, nonprofit and other companies and organizations to self-present or promote the products they produce or distribute. The same is true of books and reading.

The paper summarizes the key findings of a survey on the impact of selected social media in the field of book promotion and reading, which was conducted in May 2018 as part of the author's thesis. In the questionnaire survey we have collected responses from 537 participants.

The questionnaire was distributed to users and customers of libraries and bookstores. Of the total number of respondents, 89.6% of women and 10.4% of men participated in the survey.

The aim was to find out what social media and platforms they use to make a decision about a book, and what factors, activities and techniques have an impact on it. Respondents identified Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as the most used social media, with Instagram as the most progressive.

It was also found that blogs and portals focused on books and readers also have an impact. Selection and purchase of the book have been influenced by recommendations of friends, but also members of social networking groups and profiles of influencers, or physical contact with the book.

The most interesting forms of submission are pictures, photos, or content shared by a group or friends. The findings can help institutions with a decision about editorial strategies, strategies of acquisition and organizations actively involved in the promotion, sale or distribution of books and the development of reading.