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Middle school teachers' attitudes toward using tablets in mathematics classes

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The presented article deals with teachers' opinions on involving tablets in mathematics lessons. It is also shown how the opinion on using tablets was changing after a one-year implementation.

The study was conducted in four different schools in the USA and held over two school years. Seven different teachers who taught twelve classes (over 300 students) were explored.

The study employed qualitative methods, especially grounded theory. The article highlights findings from two questionnaires, one from the beginning and the other from the end of the school year, which took place in order to explore teachers' attitudes toward using tablets in mathematics lessons.

Data from questionnaires were supplemented by data from observations and interviews with teachers. In the article positive attitudes, as well as negative attitudes of teachers toward tablets are described.

From the article, you can also learn what aspects can influence teachers' attitudes toward tablets. The results show that the attitudes of teachers toward using tablets in education stay the same or become worse after a year of usage.

The study shows that most of the teachers have technical issues with tablets. Also, teachers stated that tablets can distract students.

So teachers insist on a reliable system that blocks distracting content on the tablet, that guarantees that tablets are used for learning purposes only.