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Personal coping strategies of older adults

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The author assumes that older adults develop a personal coping strategy towards their own age and ageing - a complex of actions, attitudes and feelings that predetermines their behaviour and experience in coping with everyday life and characterizes their lifestyle. Some of them accept their age and a good well-being and positive attitude towards themselves and other people prevail.

They match the model of active aging (by WHO) with various hobby activities. Others depends on their social environment, prefer rest, are passive but mostly satisfied.

And some older people are hostile while anger, envy and other negative attitudes towards the others as well as hate towards themselves, a lack of self-regard and the belief that they have wasted their lives prevail. The aim of the prepared research (using on-line questioning of people 60 years and older) is to characterize older adults in the view of two types of strategies: offensive, proactive, positively focused strategy and defensive, passive, pessimistic and often maladaptive strategy.

The presentation will be also looking for colleagues in this research (it focuses on the way of life and some attitudes of older adults, on their own age and aging, selected features of their personality and indicators of personal well-being, quality of life and active ageing).