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The Czech Question of Religion in the Context of the Struggle for a New Czech Philosophy

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The paper will focus on the philosophical-religious level of the controversy between K. Vorovka and E.

Rádl, which took place in the first half of the twentieth century. The author of the paper considers as the centre of their common interest in the Czech question of religion the idea - shared with many other thinkers of the time - that the spiritual life and religious environment of the newly founded republic was in crisis.

Since the starting point of the entire controversy was Vorovka's confession from Skepse a Gnóse, the exposition will begin with this book and then continue by examining Rádl's critical response contained in O naší nynější filosofii and Náboženství a politika. Attention will then turn to Vorovka's response given in his article Česká náboženská otázka, and the very end of the text will be devoted to the reverberations of the whole controversy in the second half of the 1920s.

The first part of the paper should reveal the basic aspects of their religious-philosophical reasoning, which will then enable us to understand why both authors spoke identically about the crisis in religion, but provided significantly different definitions of the causes and possible solutions to the crisis. The whole controversy over the question of religion will also be examined in the broader context of the so-called struggle for the freedom of Czech philosophy, which was waged by thinkers writing for Ruch filosofický against the dominant positivist trend.