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The problem of time within synechism of C. S. Peirce

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The problem of time within synechism of C. S.

Peirce. - Charles Sanders Peirce was an important original American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist also recognized as a father of Pragmatism. The intention of this article is, firstly, to introduce and sketch the way of thinking of this philosopher.

One of the basic principles of Peirce's philosophy - synechism - has been chosen as a starting point. Synechism is a philosophical tendency of attributing the highest philosophical importance to continuity - understanding the universe as dynamic evolving one.

Synechistic aspect is crucial for the problem of time in Peirce's thought. The primal reason for this is that time itself has features of continuity.

Based on that, he regards time as allowing the existence. Albeit Peirce's conception of time is understood from the continuity of the all, however it also requires to be grasped by some mind.

The objective of this paper is to briefly outline the answer to the question of time; in what manner thus Peirce comprehends time and what place it has within his concept of synechism.