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Metaphors Lost & Found In Translation: Metaphors Lost & Found in Translation: A "Genetic" Translation of the Book of Jonah

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Using the MIPVU method, this case study found that ca. 60 % of the metaphorical concepts were lost in translation from Hebrew to English (NASB), while 17 % of the metaphors in the translated text were newly introduced ("found" in translation). The Metaphor Density of the translation was 64 % lower than that of the original, and Metaphor Diversity decreased by 58 %.

To make up for at least some of these losses, a biomimetic approach to translation is proposed here: a Genetic Translation. Just like the eukaryotic cell, this Genetic Translation simultaneously contains the original, its transcribed version (or translitera- tion), a literal (word-under-word) interlinear translation (concordant and reflecting the original syntax), a separate literal translation (still word-for-word, but now with the host language syntax), followed by a dynamic equivalence (or thought-for-thought) translation similar to the protein produced by the ribosomes.

Sample Genetic Translation of a few passages is given to illustrate how the conceptual losses could be restored to the reader of the translation.