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Assessment methods and first results with policy Implications of WP3 in Horizon 2020 AMASS at Charles University

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Abstract The following contribution reflects and summarizes the continual reporting of an assessment of the methods and first results with policy implications in the AMASS project at the faculty of education Charles University over the period of April 2020 until April 2021. Several experiments, project baselines, exploratory studies and a general research study has been either started or is still in progress at the time of this annual report.

This assessment paper contains an overall overview of the research done so far and studies which are still ongoing within the department of arts at the faculty of education Charles University. The research methods combine qualitative and quantitative standards of research implementation within the subject area of education, didactics, arts, educational psychology, cognitive psychology, art philosophy, and sociology.

Five experiments have been conducted at the early stage so far where other two to three experiments are pending either subject area board approval or Ethics Committee approval.