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Descriptive geometry learnt through "graduation work": a secondary school case study

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Descriptive geometry is not a compulsory subject in many schools, but it is an essential tool for applicants for schools of architecture. In the Czech Republic, secondary schools with general education ("gymnasiums") usually provide one- or two-year facultative course of basics of descriptive geometry, terminated with school-leaving exam ("maturita") which often consists of written and oral examination.

In our presentation, we would like to demonstrate a different approach which can inspire teachers in designing their own courses. Instead of instructive teaching and examination, each student is tasked, during his final year, to create its own "graduation work" ("maturitní práce") which would include geometry, mathematics, but also applications to architecture.

We can illustrate this best with case study of Matěj Ponka's work, which was conceived and supervised by the teacher Filip Beran.