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The 8th EUGEO Congress on the Geogreaphy of Europe "Sustainable geographies in the heart of Europe"


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EUGEO, the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, organises every two years a major international scientific congress, bringing together geographers from all over the world. After Galway in 2019, the 2021 EUGEO Congress was held in Prague at the Charles University, Faculty of Science.

The main topic of the congress, Sustainable geographies in the heart of Europe, referred to the passion geographers have for the exploration of the world that surrounds us. Understanding complexity and fragility of geographical environment as well as of the own discipline has been an essential part of many geographical efforts.

The congress was open to all geographers, physical and human alike, and to any interested scholars from related disciplines. The participation of young scholars and PhD candidates, independent scholars, as well as researchers applying multi-disciplinary approaches was encouraged.