The second part of the review study is addressed to general practitioners for children and adolescents. In its empirical part, it relies on international resources from 2014-2020.
In the first section, the study is dedicated to detecting childhood pain, whether it takes the form of simple screening or a more comprehensive pain assessment. It describes the most common tools, used to measure pain intensity in preschool and school children.
Backed by literature, he seeks an answer to the question of why pediatric practice is often confined to a single indicator of pain - its intensity. In the second section, the study summarizes new insight into how the particularities of parents and their behavior affect the pain of pediatric patients.
It presents the findings of a comparative study which concluded that if a child cannot assess their pain alone for a number of reasons, it is appropriate for their parents, not a nurse or independent assessor, to assess it. Findings on how the behaviour of parents, present in painful performance, influence their children's procedural pain are also useful for practice.