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COVID-19 and ANCA-associated vasculitis: recommendations for vaccine preparedness and the use of rituximab

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


One year into the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic, data regarding a more detailed risk profile and treatment aspects of patients with immune-mediated kidney diseases and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV) have remained scarce. The International Registry of COVID infection in glomerulonephritis reported 40 patients with primary glomerulonephritis including AAV.

Compared with 80 hospitalized controls, mortality and acute kidney rates were significantly higher in patients with glomerulonephritis. A UK and Ireland Vasculitis Society analysis of 65 vasculitis patients found associations between comorbid respiratory disease and prescription of glucocorticoids with severe outcomes (Supplementary data, Table S1).