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Protection of Whistleblowers under Czech Law within the Context of the Directive on the Protection of Persons who Report Breaches of Union law (2019/1937)

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The chapter is focused on the protection of whistleblowers under Czech law within the con- text of the Directive on the protection of whistleblowers for persons who report breaches of Union law (2019/1937). Specifically, the chapter deals with all seven previous and current proposals for legal regulation of whistleblower protection.

The authors provide a detailed discussion of the current draft of law to transpose Directive 2019/1937. The authors deal with the definition of the scope of the bill, retaliation measures, breadth of the obligation to implement a notification system, status of the responsible/concerned person in the notifi- cation system, absence of motivational measures and problematic aspects of public control.