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Loading of the Musculoskeletal System of a Person While Driving in a Passenger Car

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Nowadays it is clear that long-term exposure to the body causes an adverse response in the human body which can lead to irreversible damage. We are exposed to such vibrations for example when we driving in vehicles.

The main aim of the article was to measure the dynamic effects that are transmitted to the driver when driving in a passenger car over obstacles. The measurement was carried out experimentally in a real environment on a designated road at different driving speeds and different distribution of obstacles on the road.

Acceleration sizes generated on the driver/co-driver seat structure, under the buttocks, head and cervical vertebrae C7 were sensed by acceleration sensors. The result of the work was to find out how much dynamic effects are transmitted from the vehicle structure to the driver/co-driver body, respectively. the head and vertebra of the cervical spine C7 as the vehicle crosses obstacles. (C) The Electrochemical Society.