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Evolution of relations between the legal orders of the European Union, international and national. Liber amicorum Jiří Malenovský

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This book, written in French and English, addresses a theme dear to Mr. Jiři Malenovsky by reviewing the evolution of the European Union, international and national legal orders.

It focuses on the interactions between these legal orders over the last twenty years during which these relations have undergone significant development. This book pays tribute to him by reflecting both his personality and the richness of his career and thought.

On the one hand, this theme echoes the various positions he held, in particular those of Professor of International Law at Masaryk University in Brno, Ambassador to the Council of Europe, Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and, for more than sixteen years, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union. On the other hand, the subject of the relationships between the various legal orders has long been one of the favourite subjects of Mr.

Jiří Malenovsky, who has devoted numerous publications to it. The forty contributions to this book, coordinated by Mr David Petrlik, Mr Michal Bobek, Mr Jan M.

Passer and Mr Antoine Masson, have been written by Members and former Members of the Court of Justice, the General Court or other courts, academics and other persons who have worked with him or have worked with him in particular in his capacity as a judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union.