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Testing the effect of textile materials on car seat comfort in real traffic

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This study proposes a methodology that enables the comparison of textile materials from the point of view of corresponding comfort. Although this study focuses on textile materials used for the construction of car seats, the approach can be used more broadly.

First, different aspects, which are more or less closely connected with our problem, are discussed. Among them, two characteristics, i.e. temperature conductivity and breathability, are important.

Second, we discuss why it is important to have conclusions about comfort based not only on the subjective feelings of evaluators, but also on objective measurements. To that purpose, an experiment and a questionnaire summarising subjective feelings are proposed and concisely described.

Furthermore, the choice of sensors, their placement in a car seat and the manner of recording data are discussed. Finally, the choice of appropriate statistical methods suitable for the analysis of collected data is discussed.

The approach is illustrated via real experiments. Our findings support the current trend that the use of 3D spacer fabrics improves both breathability and sitting comfort in general.