Aim: This study proposed to compare performance of sarcopenia EWGSOP2 (Cruz-Jentoft et al. in Age Ageing 48:16-31, 2019) and EWGSOP1 (Cruz-Jentoft et al. in Age Ageing 39:412-423, 2010) diagnostic criteria in identifying sarcopenia and their applicability for detecting SO; further to describe prevalence of sarcopenia and SO in Czech patient cohort screened for SPRINTT study ("Sarcopenia and Physical fRailty IN older people: multicomponenT Treatment strategies") and develop a more precise algorithm for detecting SO. Findings: Our study results suggest that EWGSOP1 (2010) criteria have higher sensitivity to identify patients with sarcopenia and SO than EWGSOP2 (2019).
Using the newer criteria (EWGSOP2) may leave significant proportion of sarcopenic and sarcopenic obese patients undetected despite their physical and functional deficit. Message: Our proposed diagnostic algorithm model can increase the sensitivity of SO diagnosis, is simple and easy to implement in clinical practice.
Early detection of sarcopenia and SO using simple and readily available methods can help initiate optimal therapy and improve the quality of life for at-risk older adults.