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The make-believe play and the CPA in the school environment

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Make-believe play is a field in which the child experiences the freedom to be.It can provide the experience of creating, of free expression and the development of authorial capacity. Much more than a fun activity, make-believe play reveals experiences, desires, emotions, contradictions, ambiguities, organisation and disorganisation.

And it is exactly in this field that the child can organise its internal contents and grow. In the school environment, the game of make-believe presents some limiting factors, such as the reduced space in the classroom and the pre-established class time.

Even so, when facilitating the context for it, the act of learning is guaranteed when each child creates their own meanings for their experience. Through facilitating attitudes it's possible to create an environment that becomes safe and confident, promoting the best conditions for the student's free expression.

Once the student experiences this way of being free and responsible,they will be able of reproducing the same in the relationships that they establishes, not only in the school environment, but also in other other life contexts.