Ji ří Mudra, among his numerous selfless activities, was a Czech doyen of Sorbian studies. He had been working for decades on an Upper Sorbian-Czech dictionary but, unfortunately, had not finished his work on it at the time of his death.
Presently, we are considering completing Mudra's project. The material collected by Mudra is undoubtedly valuable for us, providing us with a launchpad for further work; still, it is necessary to challenge it with the current data and a modern lexicographic approach.
The paper presents the proposed individual methods aimed at finishing the main body of the dictionary. Every lexicographer works with the data and tools available in his or her time - and Mudra was certainly no exception.
There is, therefore, no reason to maintain exaggerated reverence towards his dataset where it is in apparent conflict with the current language reality. The aim is not to foster Mudra's cult, but to acknowledge his admirable initiative and enthusiasm.
The best way to do so is to complete his dictionary with all the possibilities currently offered to us and make it available - as the first academic dictionary in this language combination - to Czech users.