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Implementation of cost minimization analysis and rerritorial impact assessement

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TIA (Territorial Impact Assessment) is based on document ESDP (European Spatial Development Perspective). The purpose of TIA is to help a decision-maker (on regional level) to make a better decision in a particular problem regional situation.

The five most important element are discussed below in an order: objectives, the alternative,the impacts, the criteria, CMA. The objectives are what a decision-maker seeks to accomplish or attain by means his decision.

The alternatives are the options or means available to the decision-maker by which the objectives can be attained. The impacts (positive or negative) are associated with an alternative.

A criterion is a rule or standard by which to rank the alternatives in the extent to which they achieve one or more objectives. For evaluation of impacts we can use a lot of methods.

In this paper CMA is viewed as one of (possible) appropriate assessment metods in TIA. Cost minimization is necessary condition for ensuring that one chooses from alternatives that will lead to the most efficient outcome.

A cost minimization needs all the dimensions of output (quantity and quality) to be identical as between any to alternatives.