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Symetric Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Beyond The Boolean Case

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem (PCSP) is a recently introduced vast generalization of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). We investigate the computational complexity of a class of PCSPs beyond the most studied cases - approximation variants of satisfiability and graph coloring problems.

We give an almost complete classification for the class of PCSPs of the form: given a 3-uniform hypergraph that has an admissible 2-coloring, find an admissible 3-coloring, where admissibility is given by a ternary symmetric relation. The only PCSP of this sort whose complexity is left open in this work is a natural hypergraph coloring problem, where admissibility is given by the relation "if two colors are equal, then the remaining one is higher."