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Delayed ejaculation in men with depressive disorders

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, First Faculty of Medicine |


Delayed ejaculation belongs to the group of sexual disorders in men. The causes of delayed ejaculation or anejaculation are not exactly known.

It is assumed that it can be caused by psychogenic or organic influences or their combinations. One of the causes of delayed ejaculation may be elevated prolactin levels, which may be increased by psychosocial stress, pituitary disorders or also treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of depression.

We tested a selected group of 50 men who were diagnosed with a depressive disorder and whose antidepressant treatment lasted for at least 24 weeks. These patients reported long-term delayed ejaculation or, in some cases, anejaculation as comorbidity.

The results showed significant Spearman's correlation between elevated prolactin levels and intravaginal ejaculation latency values (R = 0.45), as well as between Beck's Depression-II inventory and intravaginal ejaculation latency and latency values (R = 0.48).